300 Main Street, Suite 200, Dubuque, IA 52001
Mon – Thurs 8 am – 5 pm, Fri 8 am – 12 pm
Photo of Natalie Droeske

Natalie Droeske

YP Co-Director of Signature Events

What is your current position, and where do you work?
Marketing Manager, MedOne Pharmacy Benefit Solutions

What do you enjoy outside of work?
When not at MedOne or The Midwest Girl, you’ll find me wandering around Dubuque exploring new neighborhoods, businesses, and trails; reading almost anything I can get my hands on; trying new recipes; dining with friends; and drinking what can only be described as an unhealthy amount of coffee. 

Tell us about your family.
I’m the youngest in my family of five with twin older brothers and parents whom I deeply admire. 

What is one unique fact about you that many people may not know?
I took a Psychology of Happiness class at Yale. 

Who is one person who inspires you, and why?
I wholeheartedly admire small business owners who are in it for the right reasons. Connecting with these entrepreneurs and hearing the “why” behind their businesses is so inspiring. The folks that choose to stray from the status quo and go “all in” with an idea they’re passionate about? How can that not be incredibly inspiring? I love hearing these founding stories, the why behind them, the communities these business owners have built, and the dreams they have for the future. The small business community here locally is one of unparalleled passion and support, and I truly appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow alongside such inspiring people. 

Where is your favorite spot in Dubuque?
Convivium. I love what they’re doing in the community; it has a great energy. Amazing food, a cozy atmosphere, and friendly faces make it my go-to for a solo weekend coffee stop, working lunch, girls’ brunch, and everything in between. PLUS, their pastries from the Millwork Bakery are the best around. 

What do you enjoy most about being a YP member?
As someone who thrives on meaningful engagement and genuine connection, I love the recurring, designated opportunity to meet people in my local community. As a transplant to Dubuque, YP took some of the guesswork out of what being a young professional in Dubuque looks like it; it connected me with the right people, places, and organizations, allowing me to settle right in and make Dubuque really feel like home.  

What piece of advice would you give a new YP member?
Show up. While it may seem intimidating or overwhelming to attend a YP event, especially if you’re going solo, just do it! The purpose of our events is to get likeminded young professionals in our area together to just connect. If you show up, you’re 90% there.