300 Main Street, Suite 200, Dubuque, IA 52001
Mon – Thurs 8 am – 5 pm, Fri 8 am – 12 pm
Photo of Margaret O’Reilly

Margaret O’Reilly

YP Director of Marketing

What is your current position, and where do you work?
I am a Customer Success Manager at Eagle Point Software Corporation

What do you enjoy outside of work?
I don't like to be bored, that is for sure. I enjoy hanging out and talking with my family and friends the most. Creating experiences and memories for those around me is a passion of mine. Outside of that, I enjoy going out to eat, trying different restaurants, and traveling to new places. I enjoy being a part of the community through the various different boards I am involved with. Lastly, with the free time I do have I enjoy working on my side hustle or working on new skills. 

Tell us about your family.
I currently live with my significant other, Zach, and we have been together for four and a half years. My parents, sister, brother in law, and nephews all are back in Michigan where I grew up.

What is one unique fact about you that many people may not know?
I moved to the area for a job and I didn’t know a single person before I moved.

Who is one person who inspires you, and why?
My parents have been a big inspiration to me. They have taught me many things over the years, they have shown me what it means to support and encourage someone, but the biggest they have inspired me about is curiosity and work ethic. I have them to thank for the role they have played in teaching me how to think critically and work for the life I want.

Where is your favorite spot in Dubuque?
I don't know if I can just choose one, typically at a bar or restaurant. Another one and I am surprised by this one, my home! We spend a lot of time renovating it so I am super proud of the work we have done so far.

What do you enjoy most about being a YP member?
Meeting and making new friends! Some of my closest friends in the area are because of YP. 

What piece of advice would you give a new YP member?
Remember that everyone is there for the same reason you are! To network and to get to know others in the community. It can be intimidating, but don't let it be. Join conversations, ask questions, and just have fun! Also, if you ever see me feel free to come up and say hi!